Shaynuh's Blog

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I PASSED the exam today!!! YEAAAHHH!!! That exam was not easy though! I thought it was the most stressful exam ever! Why?! Because it was given to us the same day we had to learn everything within so little hours! Even though it was opened book, opened notes and only 15 questions, those questions were the most difficult to comprehend. Also before our exam, our professor spent the whole day talking in tounges, and clicking through a bunch of boring power point slides way too fast, so I had to shorthand my notes and they still look like a gagglefuck (military term for all messed up)! Anyways I'm glad I passed and now Im motivated and I'm going to try to do my best from now on with this MOS so I can graduate in August! *HOOAH!!!*

*also I have to give a shoutout and thankyouuu to my battle buddy, Priest (i hope your reading my blog, bee-yotch! ;)... she helped me out with understanding class information during break times before the exam....

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Right now my bed looks really good! I wanna go sleep, but I can't! Cause you wanna know why????! ................It's already been the first day of class and WE ALREADY HAVE A FREAKING TEST TOMORROW!!! FML!!! I have to scan read/study way too many chapters tonight about my MOS and I feel like I'm going to pass out! AHHHHHH!!!! =(

Monday, March 29, 2010


So this afternoon, I took a course on Middle Eastern culture. I learned that the culture there, is very different from our own (western culture). In Middle Eastern culture, a polite way to greet someone is by offering a handshake or sometimes while handshaking with your right hand, you use your left hand and guide it on the person's shoulder. kissing cheeks (starting from left to right) is another common greeting but it is only initiated by the person to whom you are greeting. Also proper conversational topics do not include religion and politics or family or possessions rather it does include trying to understand one's culture and their history. Proper etiquette also follows. If you are a guest in someone's home you must first wait to be seated and your usually seated on the right. NEVER SHOW THE SOLES OF YOUR FEET, while sitting! It's consider disrespectful. Always eat with your right hand because your left hand is considered uncleaned and be respectful when someone offers you food or drink. Always accept it graciously and when you've had enough, follow the correct procedures... =)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Finally Getting Classed!!!

YAAAHHH! I don't think I've ever been this excited before or maybe I don't remember? Finally people, I will be classed into my MOS, and will be starting classes not tommorow but ta'marrow (lol)!!!! I found out this evening in formation with over 200 other soldiers! Most were new and some had been here since February (which would be me =)! Many did not make it sadly, and I'm sure they were dissapointed, because I remember when I got fresh out of Basic and I thought I would automatically enroll in classes and lets just say... that was another story! All I can say is NO MORE FUCKING DETAIL!!! *HOOAH!!!* *DOO-SES!!!* ;D<3